Software Engineering Reflecting on My First Year at WePay This week I achieved my 1 year work experience at WePay, so I wanted to share my reflections on the past year.
Software Engineering Training to Conduct the Communication and Design Interview I want to share some things I've learned while training to conduct the Communication and Design software engineering interview at WePay.
Software Engineering Constructing an XML Payload in Java for an API Call I offer a solution to a problem with the Java jackson-dataformat-xml library where the .writeValueAsString() function wraps the desired XML in <ObjectNode> tags.
Software Engineering How to Fetch G Suite Service Status Programatically Here's one approach to fetching G Suite's service status since Google doesn't offer an API for it.
Software Engineering Name Redux Actions After States, Not Getters and Setters If you're using your Redux actions like getters and setters,
Software Engineering iOS Widgets I Think Will Dominate Last Monday, on June 22, 2020, Apple announced that iOS 14, iPadOS
Software Engineering Juneteenth: Reflecting on the Software Engineering Industry's Racist Terms Today is June 19, which marks the 255th anniversary of the day
Software Engineering Near-Future Pose Estimation of an Autonomous Car Using AprilTag Originally posted on April 30, 2019 on Github:
Software Engineering My Curalate Internship Story: Drones, Transparency and My Name in the Newspaper Originally posted on August 17, 2017 on the Curalate Blog [https://www.